The Rise & Fall of Jeroboam

About Pastor Paul Adeleye

Senior Pastor( 2009-Date), The Redeemed Christian Church of God( RCCG)-Fountain of Revival. UK. Since 2008, we train churches, individuals and Christian groups in the area of effective evangelism or soul winning. If you desire to positively impact your sphere of influence in the area of effective evangelism, please speak to us. Currently one of the three leaders of the RCCG Europe Evangelism Team, Regional Evangelist, RCCG UK Region 6. Convener and Street Preacher/Witness, Global Evangelism & Revival Movement( GERM) Author of two books and Several Christian Literature/ Videos: 1. How can we know the way(2007). 2. Winning the lost to Jesus(2012) Active Blogger on Wordpress, with several Christian literature or writings that have been read in over 100 countries. I have Volunteered as a support teacher - Religious Education/Have led a school assembly in the United Kingdom with Faith In Schools. I was part of the Transform Newham Leaders Evangelism Team on reaching out to our Muslim Friends. One Time school Teacher(Chemistry/Maths) One Time Trained Banker( IBFC Agusto)- Platinum Bank. Cash & Teller, Head Cash & Teller, Cash Officer, Banking Business/Relationship. Position: Investment Analyst( I.A, 2003) One Time Trained Solicitors Practice Manager( Altoir Consulting UK). 2004-2008 Solicitors Account Rules, Finance Officer, Business Growth. One Time Student Union president 1997/1998, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Graduated with a letter of commendation from the university authorities for a peaceful session during a period of instability as a result of military rule and secret cult( gangs) crisis. God has been using me by grace to inspire and encourage many. God is using me by grace to make glorious impact in His kingdom and in the lives of many.
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